Globe Amaranth

Globe Amaranth
(Gomphrena globosa)
This annual needs full sun. The blooms are white to tan and more colorful dark pink to rose that bloom mid summer to early fall.
Welcome to our Plant Library! Dave and his staff share their years of experience trying out different plants, along with the maintenance know-how that comes from doing it all yourself. The photos and descriptions here will introduce you to some of the wonderful plant material we can enjoy here in North Texas. We hope you enjoy this handy resource.
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(Gomphrena globosa)
This annual needs full sun. The blooms are white to tan and more colorful dark pink to rose that bloom mid summer to early fall.
(Angelonia angustifolia)
A tough plant well suited for hot sunny spaces. Blooms all summer long in shades of white, pink, or purple. Will grow to be 1 to 2 ft tall.
(Scaevola Aemula)
Another Drought Tolerant evergreen Shrub that when planted in Dallas will be used as an annual do it sensitivity to frost. Pretty Shades of Blue and Pink are sure to brighten up your yard. Also, a nice plant for pots as it has a semi trailing growth habit.
(Euphorbia Graminea)
Although this plant will not provide bright colors to your garden. This heat and drought tolerant annual will provide a steady backdrop of white flowers all through the season.
(Penta Lanceolata)
This plant is considered an annual when planted in Dallas. It has a large variety of colors and will provide clusters of star shaped blooms all summer long even in the hot Texas sun. Will attract Butterflies and Hummingbirds